Hjem Acajoom: Content items not showing
07 February 2025 - 21:14



Acajoom: Content items not showing

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Acajoom: Articles not showing

When you crate a new newsletter you should see a list of your articles in the content tab to the right.
If you don't see any articles in the content tab, you might try this solution..

Acajoom: 3.2.7 Articles not showing in the content tab.

When you create a newsletter you should see a list of your articles in the content tab to the right.
You can click on the article you want to include in the newsletter, and copy the code into the editor area.
If you don't see any articles in the content tab, you might try this solution..

Locate the file Joomla-root/mambots/acajoom/acajoombot.php
Make a backup of that file, then open it in a text editor.

On line 123 in acajoombot.php you will find this:

$query = "SELECT a.id as id, a.title as title, b.title as section, c.title as category FROM jos_content as a LEFT JOIN jos_sections as b ON a.sectionid = b.id LEFT JOIN jos_categories AS c ON a.catid = c.id WHERE a.created > '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()-30240000)."' ORDER BY a.sectionid, a.catid, a.created DESC LIMIT 5000";

Change the code above into the code below:

$query = "SELECT a.id as id, a.title as title, b.title as section, c.title as category FROM jos_content as a LEFT JOIN jos_sections as b ON a.sectionid = b.id LEFT JOIN jos_categories AS c ON a.catid = c.id ORDER BY a.sectionid, a.catid, a.created DESC LIMIT 5000";

Now save the file, and upload it to the same directory. Make sure to overwrite the old file.

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